Tomas Brage
Physics Profile

Within Physics, I am working with different aspects of Computational Atomic Physics, applied to Astrophysics, Fundamental properties and Fusion Research. My favourite method is based on Multiconfigurational Hartree-Fock or Dirac-Fock.
For more information on my research, see the link to LUCRIS at the bottom of the page.
Gender, Equality, Diversity, Inclusion in Science (and beyond)
During my time in Lund I have had the opportunity to be strongly involved in work to promote equality, diversity and inclusion and the topic of gender and science (Described in reference 1, Brage 2019). I am active in several European networks, e.g. steering group member of the Policy Group for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (PG EDI) of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) network. I am also a member of the GENERA network for Gender and Physics, of the GenderEX Horizon 2020 project, as well as on the advisory board for the HIT -Leadership program initiative in Switzerland and EPSRC Inclusion Really Does Matter project at the Queen’s University of Belfast. I am also serving at the Expert Advisory Group for Gender and Equality at the National University of Ireland in Galway and the Southern University of Denmark. I have led or co-led several projects in Lund, for example, the Gender Certification project[2], the Antidiscrimination education[3], the Core-Value project[4] and is currently involved in several projects, including training of bias-observers and a Scientific literacy project for students and academic teachers. I am a member of the Expert Group for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Lund University and the Action Group for Equal Opportunities in its Science Faculty.
- Brage, T. 2019,What does gender havde to do with physics?, Optics and Photonics News 30
- Brage, T. and Lövkrona, I. 2016, Gender Certification – experiences from working to promote change on a departmental level, page 226 in reference in reference 4.
- Brage, T. 2016, See the Human Beyond – an anti-discrimination training programme, page 249 in reference in footnote 4.
- Brage, T. and Lövkrona, I (ed.) 2016, Core values work in the academia – with experiences from Lund University, Media Tryck, Lund University, 2016.