Andreas Wacker
Since 2007 I am professor at Lund University. My research focuses on the theoretical study of nonequilibrium quantum kinetics in nanosystems. I am strongly engaged in teaching on bachelor, master, and Phd level. Since January 2025 I am deputy director of Studies at the Physics Department.
Particular examples for my research are simulations of quantum cascade lasers, electrical transport in nanostructures such as nanowires, and coherent quantum effects after light excitation. This work is often done in close collaborations both within NanoLund and internationally. Here we apply different concepts from the toolbox of theoretical physics, mostly quantum master equations, nonequilibrium Green's functions, and concepts from quantum thermodynamics.
A recent research highlight is the achievement of THz quantum cascade lasers with high operation temperature, where our simulations guided the experimental realization. (link to Publication, link to Scilight for broader audience, link to for broader audience)
Outside my field I also analyzed data and simulation tools for the Covid epidemics. Link to press release (in Swedish)
More information can be found at
- Link to Research Portal of Lund University.
- Link to publications from Orcid
- Link to researcher profile at Web of Science (citation data)
- Link to preprints on ArXiv
Currently, I am responsible for/involved in the following courses:
- Mathematical Methods for Vibrations, Waves and Diffusion FYSB21/ÄFYD13 (HT2)
- Quantum Optics FYST83/FMFN30 (VT1 from 2025)
- Statistical mechanics (main resposible Tobias Ambjörnsson) FYTN15/FMFN25 (HT2)
I am regularly supervising bachelor and master theses. If you are interested in my research topics, please contact me. Examples of previously completed master and bachelor theses can be found on this external link.
Contact information:
- email:
- phone: +46-46-2223012
- postal: Mathematical Physics, Lund University, Box 118, 22100 Lund, Sweden
- office: Room B302, Professorsgatan 1, Lund
- internal mail: HS14